I wish there were other old Newgrounds games like this that made a newer version, preferably Sonic Transformed or The Penthouse which I always thought was a step up from HTH, but they all died or disappeared and it makes me sad because sure it's a niche genre but I mean Yiffalicious has a pretty big Patron pool and I feel like their art is/was really well done for it to be forgotten.

Pages: High Tail Hall Version 0. Game is completely open ended with lots of ways to customize your experience by exploring and learning about your environment thus discovering the variety of ways you can interact with the world around you. He has too many ideas but starts one and never finishes it. High Tail Hall is an Exploration RPG, currently an Exploration Meet-n-Fuck. Also some of the characters art is drawn exceptionally well and then you have some characters whose nipples just look like they were from the original project what, 10 years ago? I still like the art and am fond of the game but would never pay for it and never expect to see it finished. It was a good idea for a game all those years ago but Crow kept adding new areas without putting anything in the area so it just feels like the equivalent of playing an Open World RPG and there not being a single NPC anywhere to be found. So after playing Tabby's Version I came to a conclusion.